Baby book review: Ciao, Baby! In the Park by Carole Lexa Schaefer, illustrated by Lauren Tobia

Baby librarian Tilly and her mum Jen review the board book Ciao, Baby! In the Park by Carole Lexa Schaefer, illustrated by Lauren Tobia.

Tilly reviews Ciao, Baby! In the Park

This is quite a good book. Baby and Nonna go to the park and they see different animals, like a squirrel and a grasshopper. I like that Baby goes on adventures with his grandma because my grandma takes me on adventures all the time. A lot of them involve going to the supermarket and I’m very good at that. I also like the water fountain in this book. It’s where the pigeon flies to when Baby goes to meet him. When I go to meet the ducks at the pond they go away too. I don’t know why. I just want to pet them gently!

Jen reviews Ciao, Baby! In the Park

This book is great! I love the Ciao, Baby! books and wish there were more than just two of them. The text is simple and surprisingly fun to read aloud, and the ink-and-pencil illustrations are vibrant with some great details. It captures beautifully the way small children are enchanted by tiny details and wildlife and are curious about everything around them. This is a charming little book that little ones who love being outside will enjoy (or at the very least empathise with).

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