Baby Librarian Tilly reviews Ducks Away! by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek.
Tilly reviews Ducks Away!

This book is like the song! Five little ducks went out one day over the hill and far away… We sing that song at storytime. So I like this book because it’s like I already know it, but the book is a little bit different to the song. Five little ducks go out with their mummy duck and they go on a bridge but the baby ducks keep falling in. There’s some nice rhyming bits when mummy duck has to figure out what to do when she has baby ducks in two different places. What a dilemma! I like the pictures in this book too. They are very bright and all the lines are coloured in and I like that. My favourite bit of the book is when the five little ducks say ‘quack quack quack’ because I like animal noises. But I also like when mummy duck jumps into the river. That looks like fun.
Jen reviews Ducks Away!
A fun take on the classic song, ‘Five Little Ducks’. As Tilly mentioned, there are fun rhyming bits that teach kids about counting, addition, and subtraction: ‘”Oh no!” quacked Mother Duck. “What should I do? Where should I go, with four on the bridge and one below?”‘ I love the bit at the end when all the little ducks are in the water and one of the ducks basically shouts, ‘Mum! Just jump!’ And the little hesitation in jumping by Mother Duck is adorable. This is another Mem Fox and Judy Horacek collaboration I’m very happy to have in our collection.