Baby Librarian Tilly reviews Homes by Xavier Deneux.

Tilly reviews Homes
This book doesn’t have much of a story (so is it a book, really?) but it’s a good touching book. There are pictures of different kinds of homes like castles and tents and barns, and they’re fun to touch because it’s all raised and lumpy. The pictures are colourful too, which I approve of. Good colours are important. This isn’t one that Mummy reads to me but I like turning the pages and touching it. I think Mummy likes doing that too.
Jen reviews Homes
This is a book in the touchthinklearn series by Xavier Deneux, and the key feature of these books are the raised objects with cutouts on the opposite page. These are really great tactile books that feel fun to read. In this book, each double page features a type of home, some of which Tilly already mentioned, with the illustration and cutout and a handful of words associated with the home. Not so much a read-aloud book, but great for experiencing the book as a physical object. This will also be a great book for when Tilly is a bit older and we can use this to spark discussions about different types of homes that people live in in different parts of the world.