Baby Librarian Tilly and her mummy Jen review the classic Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin, pictures by Betsy Lewin.
Baby librarian Tilly reviews Click, Clack, Moo
This is a great book with animals and tension and intrigue! It takes place on a farm, and the cows have learnt how to type. They want electric blankets because it gets cold at night and they go on strike until they get what they want. Then the hens want electric blankets too! And they go on strike! Farmer Brown gets very mad. He says he can’t be a farmer without eggs and milk. Whatever will happen! Will the cows and hens get their electric blankets? Will Farmer Brown get his milk and eggs? Also I like the pictures in this. You can see the brush strokes and I like that. And when Mummy reads this she does good cow noises. I like it when she does animal noises (her sheep noises are the best).
Jen reviews Click, Clack, Moo

Such a fun book to read! There’s a great story about farm animals wanting a change in their circumstances and how they go about getting that change. You’re never too young to learn about workers’ rights, fair working conditions, and the effectiveness of strikes. Though it’s a tad unrealistic to think that cows would want electric blankets. Their stomachs and digestive systems mean that they are plenty warm. And I don’t think the ultimatum that is delivered by Duck, the neutral party, is really an ultimatum at all — it’s more of a demand. Farmer Brown wasn’t offering them anything, just telling them what he wants. But this is a minor quibble on my part, and I still love the book. This is another book that has infiltrated my everyday conversations. There was one night recently where Tilly was reaching for my boobs and I told her that the milk factory was closed. I wanted an electric blanket.